Buffed nails: Fresher fingertips

(Top photo: Scary French job.)
The natural-nail trend is gaining ground, and I'm in favour. I like my "red buttons", especially for parties, but years of budget salon services left my cuticles mowed into shaggy U's that look ratty two days after the manicure.
I'm rehabing the cuticles (which involves banning sharp instruments) and dark polish just draws the eye there.
I'm edging over to buffed finish (bottom photo) rather than polish. I admit it's not as glam as lacquered red, but it's fresh for spring and impervious to wear. The shine lasts 3-4 days; re-doing is a 3-minute breeze.
Manicurists here are a touch surprised- they're used to buffing only for men. One luxury womens' spa did not have a buffer.
I use one of the three-way blocks at home, or if I'm feeling retro, a chamois buffer and cream.

The secret to a posh rather than practical look? Impeccable shaping, and use of a nail-white pencil under your nails.
I've always liked the hands of Catherine Deneuve - typically French, groomed, short and square with a beautiful large ring. And inspite of the dreadful facelift, Sophia Loren has lovely expressive and classy hands.
What is really encouraging is that it's a look everyone can have with a few minutes of daily maintenance and a ring to suit hand shape.