Lost style: The traveling suit

But there is nothing as chic as a variation on the skirt suit- one that's all but lost, like the veiled hat- the traveling suit.
Here's a 70s Dior version, a skirt and a 7/8 length coat. This is what you wore for a train or plane trip, or a day shopping in the city. My mother wore hers with an alligator bag and matching shoes. Underneath, a dressmaker blouse or fine cashmere sweater.
An aside: those women knew a 3/4 from a 7/8 coat and cared.
You can occasionally find this ensemble in shops like Aquascutum, where the suit is really a raincoat with a matching skirt.
I hope to adopt this look when I'm truly elderly (and pine for one perfect traveling suit now). Certainly a more pleasing option than the track suit with windbreaker or puff parka worn with running shoes, the senior default outfit around here.
A beautiful strand of pearls. Elegance just hung in the air. The mystery of what we were- Like your mother, mine too would have the alligator bag and the shoes- or leather court shoes and Pringle cashmere twinsets.
We, as children, my two sisters and I wore matching grey skirts with tiny pleats but similar blouses to our mothers, ours in white cotton. Clarke's leather sandals and our hair all waved.
Anjela: Care-free fabrics killed this era, shameful, evil polyester.
Cybill: Shall we meet for lunch in our suits?
I've just got back from a holiday in Rome where the local women are an inspiration to us all. They really ARE like fine wine, ageing so elegantly - lightly tanned, not too thin, little make-up, simple cool dresses, gorgeous real jewellery, simple sandals... utterly inspiring!
I LOVE the idea of a travelling suit. It is now my aim for next winter - thank you, duchesse.