You wear it well
Inspired by materfamilias' touching and observant post pondering whether her beloved dress-leggings-cardi ensemble might be too young for her, I've been thinking about what you have the right to wear at 50+.
Le Duc says "When a woman grows older she has the right to wear things she could not before."
One might wear the items below at 25 or 30, but they have a different effect on a mature woman.
1. Dec
Not the tarty old trout look, but the discreet flash of a lace bra. European women know how to do this (see Catherine Deneuve at left); North American women seem to handle cleavage by thinking "Full-out Ho, here I go!"
A beautiful jacket with a lower-cut shell, or a tailored blouse with one more button undone is the right of the older woman.

2. Hats
A cheetah cloche, a taupe felt bowler, a wide-brimmed straw with a scarf tied as a band. What looks costumey when younger looks (with the right proportioned clothing) striking when older.
3. Fur
I'm talking real, if you are willing, because a "fun fur" on a 70 year old woman will not work unless she is Iris Apfel.
Several years ago I saw a woman that age wearing an impeccable knee-length mahogany mink coat, low walking shoes and a ruby red beret. This offhand combination was fantastic; I imprinted it in memory to someday duplicate. Same goes for a fine bag in an (unendangered) exotic skin.

4. Jewelry with presence
My friend Jeri told me about a family wedding she attended, all the matriarchs in their diamond rivieres or huge dinner rings.
Her 80 year old aunt wore a damask cocktail suit accessorised with a Schlumberger Bird brooch th
e size of a turkey egg.

The piece shown is French jet and diamante, from Heritage Jewellery Company.
5. Dres
sed Up
This is more an attitude than actual pieces; it's forgoing dress-down when appearing in public or accepting an invitation to someone's home- preferring to be what the French call "sortable".
When my 50+ friend L. came to a dinner party in running shoes and a dress over jeans, I thought, there is a time to dress like a grown woman instead of a grad student, and by 50, the time has long come.
To every dress, there is a season
Probably 30% of the clothes in a typical 'better' department store are ageless: the well-cut trouser and cashmere tee, for example. These classics, in the best quality I can afford, are the foundation. Then I look for twists, updates, amusing details, but not too-junior trends.
Though classic, I avoid menswear; mens'-styled jackets make me look like an usher. The preppy young-guy look no longer charms: high crew-neck tees, polo, rugby or button-down shirts, bermuda shorts.
Skull-printed anything, things prefaced with "baby" (tees, pearls, blue), madras, Juicy track suits, smocks, neon colours, bitsy jewelry (much as I like Ten Thousand Things, I need One Big Thing), running shoes for anywhere but the gym, banana clips, and 98% of all denim- over for me.

You can guess I'm not a Charla Krupp fan; I think she looks plastic and hard. Compare to Ellen Burstyn, below, age 76.

Le Duc says "When a woman grows older she has the right to wear things she could not before."
One might wear the items below at 25 or 30, but they have a different effect on a mature woman.
1. Dec

Not the tarty old trout look, but the discreet flash of a lace bra. European women know how to do this (see Catherine Deneuve at left); North American women seem to handle cleavage by thinking "Full-out Ho, here I go!"
A beautiful jacket with a lower-cut shell, or a tailored blouse with one more button undone is the right of the older woman.

2. Hats
A cheetah cloche, a taupe felt bowler, a wide-brimmed straw with a scarf tied as a band. What looks costumey when younger looks (with the right proportioned clothing) striking when older.

3. Fur
I'm talking real, if you are willing, because a "fun fur" on a 70 year old woman will not work unless she is Iris Apfel.
Several years ago I saw a woman that age wearing an impeccable knee-length mahogany mink coat, low walking shoes and a ruby red beret. This offhand combination was fantastic; I imprinted it in memory to someday duplicate. Same goes for a fine bag in an (unendangered) exotic skin.

4. Jewelry with presence
My friend Jeri told me about a family wedding she attended, all the matriarchs in their diamond rivieres or huge dinner rings.
Her 80 year old aunt wore a damask cocktail suit accessorised with a Schlumberger Bird brooch th

The piece shown is French jet and diamante, from Heritage Jewellery Company.
5. Dres

This is more an attitude than actual pieces; it's forgoing dress-down when appearing in public or accepting an invitation to someone's home- preferring to be what the French call "sortable".
When my 50+ friend L. came to a dinner party in running shoes and a dress over jeans, I thought, there is a time to dress like a grown woman instead of a grad student, and by 50, the time has long come.
To every dress, there is a season
Probably 30% of the clothes in a typical 'better' department store are ageless: the well-cut trouser and cashmere tee, for example. These classics, in the best quality I can afford, are the foundation. Then I look for twists, updates, amusing details, but not too-junior trends.
Though classic, I avoid menswear; mens'-styled jackets make me look like an usher. The preppy young-guy look no longer charms: high crew-neck tees, polo, rugby or button-down shirts, bermuda shorts.
Skull-printed anything, things prefaced with "baby" (tees, pearls, blue), madras, Juicy track suits, smocks, neon colours, bitsy jewelry (much as I like Ten Thousand Things, I need One Big Thing), running shoes for anywhere but the gym, banana clips, and 98% of all denim- over for me.

You can guess I'm not a Charla Krupp fan; I think she looks plastic and hard. Compare to Ellen Burstyn, below, age 76.

It's so good to read a supporter of real fur. I've spoken to other Canadian ladies with the same attitude. Unfortunately in the UK they are really unpopular, so my mink is only taken out a handful of times each winter. Nevertheless I love it and treasure it and often wear it to annoy self-righteous vegans! How's that for subversive?
ma: My remarks about making an effort re city-specific, though I'm still annoyed in the country if people show up for dinner and aren't what my mother called 'slicked up'.
Heartily agree about shoes! We were invited to a party and told could not wear fragrance or shoes- declined the invitation.
It is too bad that the fur issue divides people so much.
I can't imagine no shoes and no perfume. I too would opt to stay home.
Some other things are more person specific though. I have a dear friend, well over 50 and an artist, who looks fabulous in dresses over jeans, often layered with other pieces and worn with very fierce boots or sandals and statement jewelry. The look is somewhat over the top, not sloppy, and she looks fabulous. Although perhaps the reason it works is because the entire look is more finished.
I suppose a little polish never hurts anyone, but it seems that the way we edit our look becomes more important.
when I could pull off that
The runners look lovely on children and also I used to buy Dr Peppers high tops available in lovely red leather and yellow with grey -The children loved them....But adults in sneakers socially look dreadful...I think. Though having said that I found a really nice pair of Nike Stella Mc Cartney sneakers- white and cream. They look great for a person who dislikes sneakers. I can even wear them in place of my usual wellies (Too hot right now for the Hunter's Wellies)
Sometimes, I think I should join most women in my town- Frumpy in Winter and shorts with fanny packs in Summer- hair short as a boy and glasses with strings attached.
I come home and wanna jump out a window- what happened to simple chic. What happened to white capris and strappy sandals (No, they don't have to be heeled) and a simple t shirt or Facconable shirt.
Don't these people have mirrors? I think shorts are adorable on little boys with a polo shirt or on boys of any age but pleaseeeeeeeeee, there should be a cut off age for shorts- No matter how lovely a body is, shorts on a GROWN man or woman are an affront to the senses.
Perhaps they could be a contraceptive device. Like a chastity belt of old. Or we could ship them to third world countries..... like we did the awful Dalkon Shield.
Oh and another thing that needs to be dumped are the obligatory Halloween, Easter and Christmas sweaters and attendant jewelry.
I threw out some clothes that I no longer liked the other day- I had worn them a lot so didn't feel comfortable foisting them off on some poor woman who might need clothes. Or on a shelter or to the local abused woman's center. (Why should they be abused twice)
A girlfriend said 'But what you no longer like might be perfect for someone else" "No" I said" it will just bring home to them their plight. Their sense of hand me downs. The clothes line stops here. If I am tired of it, the world is tired of it"
It/they make wonderful polishing cloths.
Holiday sweaters- never got why grown women want to dress as Christmas decorations- and I'm guessing yours were gifts.
It's so wonderful to receive your comments here, dear A.
Patricia and GP: I'm Canadian and I deeply want people to keep their shoes on, except for (outerwear boots) or if it's muddy. I have other Canadian friends who maintain 'shoe free' houses.
It seems either tied to class here (the mansions rarely have a pile of shoes at the door) or lifestyle (the more Birkenstocks worn among residents, the more likely they will be removed).
Regarding bothering to make the effort - I am reminded of my mother during my teenage years. She used to teach Italian at adult education evening classes and would always always dress well to go to work - well tailored suit, silk blouse, gorgeous Italian shoes and of course Italian snakeskin handbag. When I was 15 I went with her in order to gain an academic qualification in Italian. I was horrified on the first week of the semester to see people turning up in jeans and trainers and mentioned this to my mother. Her reply - don't worry, they'll change. And sure enough, by the end of the course everyone was making an effort, taking the lead from my mother.
So I believe it can be contageous, we just have to keep up the standards girls!
When I see a person over 80 making an effort, I know from my mother and her friends the grit behind it, the sheer will, and the enjoyment of a pretty dress or sweater even if the body inside is bent and shaky.
Today I saw a photograph in The Daily Mail (UK online) showing my old boss, Rod Stewart and wife. I know I said I abhor shorts but, I take it back. I love how he looks in white shorts and a Ralph Lauren shirt, long sleeved. What a lovely man.....I had never noticed his legs before.
"A little out of time, but I don't mind..."