Last shawl before fall

"I brought a jacket, but I want to wear this", R. declared, choosing an apple green and rose jamavar.
I was a shawl short of a full stack. Trolling the Novica site, this tangerine paisley piece from Sandeep Malhorta cast a spell. I could see it in my deep drawer, ready for a chilly friend, or draped over my office chair.
Click and it's begun a trackable FedEx journey from Delhi. For an instant, I dreamed of traveling to that city of spice and light, chaos and colour to retrieve it myself.

Like Deja Pseu, I'm now on a purchase moratorium before our October trip to Paris. Once the shawl arrives, austerity reigns chez D.
Thanks to sumptuous b'day gifts from friends and le Duc (photos to come), I'm surrounded by treasures and will spend many months savouring these delights.
There's nothing I need, yet the shoe sale siren beckons, "They'll cost so much more next spring!"
My friend S. controls her urge for attachment by soliciting donations of unwanted quality clothes from friends, re-selling them to other acquaintances, and donating the cash to one of her causes. I so appreciate this approach.
My friend who's an antique dealer would say, when people would tell him "I can get it $x in (exotic location)", "Well, by all means you should go there and buy it!"
Cybill: Support, just what I like!