Setting your sights on new specs
As we sail forward in our years, new glasses are not only a visual but aesthetic essential.
Keeping eyewear up to date is easy and relatively cheap on the sunglasses front (if yours are non-prescription) but a major spend for prescription reading glasses.

Dad was an opthamologist who issued dire warnings about drugstore readers.
If I did buy them, though, I'd head for Amy Sacks, the designer who'd has taken the generic reader from drone to delicious. The adorable olive Katarina (among other colours) is on sale for $60, your choice of magnification.
My local optician bought a pair of Amy's and put in her own prescription lenses, a shrewd move. Where are you going to find hip frames for that price?
Another way to save is to use an online supplier like
You can either choose the frame you know you want, or order some to try on, then return them for free, indicating your pick. The free return offer is good for one round, so order your "maybes" in one batch.
You can talk with them if you want to discuss lens options. Prices are very good, and you can return or exchange on many lenses.
Their Jean Lafont frames ($425) appeal: they're not too severe and boxy, and the brown-turquoise combo is fresh and fairly wearable.
My current (or as I'm beginning to think of them, "old") glasses are Lafonts; they've bounced in my bag and been worn hard for years.
Maybe a mo
re classic tortoise shell? The Oliver People Bridget looks charming-nerdy and at $185 on sale, a good buy.
Two more ways to save on frames:
1. Flea ma
rkets, either real or "FleaBay", sell frames. Many are vintage-enough to be cool again, like these Cazals with rhinestones, for $50 (current listing). You still have to put your lenses in, but you're saving on the frames.
2. If you are traveling to a developing country, take your prescription and have your glasses made up there. You will find name brands or acceptable knock offs in urban centers. A friend had three prescription pairs made up in India for less than $50 each.
Lends a whole new meaning to "seeing the world"!
Keeping eyewear up to date is easy and relatively cheap on the sunglasses front (if yours are non-prescription) but a major spend for prescription reading glasses.

Dad was an opthamologist who issued dire warnings about drugstore readers.
If I did buy them, though, I'd head for Amy Sacks, the designer who'd has taken the generic reader from drone to delicious. The adorable olive Katarina (among other colours) is on sale for $60, your choice of magnification.
My local optician bought a pair of Amy's and put in her own prescription lenses, a shrewd move. Where are you going to find hip frames for that price?
Another way to save is to use an online supplier like
You can either choose the frame you know you want, or order some to try on, then return them for free, indicating your pick. The free return offer is good for one round, so order your "maybes" in one batch.
You can talk with them if you want to discuss lens options. Prices are very good, and you can return or exchange on many lenses.

My current (or as I'm beginning to think of them, "old") glasses are Lafonts; they've bounced in my bag and been worn hard for years.
Maybe a mo

Two more ways to save on frames:
1. Flea ma
2. If you are traveling to a developing country, take your prescription and have your glasses made up there. You will find name brands or acceptable knock offs in urban centers. A friend had three prescription pairs made up in India for less than $50 each.
Lends a whole new meaning to "seeing the world"!
No one in my family wears glasses. I suddenly need glasses.
I had perfect vision with no degeneration they told me a few years ago. So, I read with relish the option and frames you showed ..... which, if one must wear specs, looked really rather becoming.
Thanks Duchesse
ma: Whoa.Wow. I hope you have good vision care benefits!
tessa: Have not tried but I understand they take some adjustment to the effect.
I love the idea of being able to change my glasses like they were jewelry, and envy friends with their collections of readers. I guess just changing the look periodically will have to do.