I am woman, hear me snore

The last closet, napping, is officially busted open. Geez, it's quiet in here!

Bloggers are admitting that they sleep at work; employers are beginning to provide nap facilities.

Who needs a nap?

The older worker, the sleep-deprived parent, the young bucks who hit the clubs at night, then sag during the day. People with health issues, people struggling with draining life transitions, women whose menopausal symptoms include raging insomnia, those on 4:3
0 am international calls... does that leave anyone out?

Sleep is the most alluring benefit of all.

Twenty-eight years ago I worked for a bastion of corporate finance, a huge, profitable and benevolently paternalistic company. They had a nap room with four cots partitioned by drapes.

"Our older gentleman like a rest at lunch time", one of the staff nurses told me. A quarter of a century later, I've joined the postprandial snoozers, but take my naps at home. (I live and work downtown.)

Some workplaces have created similar rooms. Google, renowned for its welcoming workplace, has nap pods like the one at left, where you can kip cozily. (Though the photo reminds me of Woody Allen playing a reluctant sperm in "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex.")

We're all big kids. A half-hour nap after lunch comforts, revives, and is a healthier boost than yet another latte.


materfamilias said…
I've been a napper since my first daughter was born, as was my mother before me (altho' she tended to read while we "napped" --or were at least quiet enough for her to catch a break). I can go many days, even weeks, without napping, and manage alright, but oh, I feel so much better when I let that afternoon nap knit up the raveled sleeves of life. I'm planning my day (which includes a ferry trip over to Vancouver) around my need for a nap, my daughter having called me at 5 a.m. (8 for her in Toronto, so it seemed reasonable, I guess) to discuss boyfriend woes.
Anonymous said…
Oh I love to nap, sometimes I have to wake myself up early so I have time to fit in a nap later. I don't know if I would ever feel comfortable enough to nap at work though..
Anonymous said…
My firm, an office of huge international public accounting firm, is moving to new office space in January. Rumor has it that the new digs will include a nap room. In an office where (I suspect) there is at least one person at her/his desk at any given hour on any given day of the year, including holidays, this seems to me to be a no-brainer. But rumor also had it when we moved into the current office space in 1993 that the nap room idea was floated but voted down by the partners. Sheesh. Happily it appears that we have smarter, more humane partners now than we did 15 years ago.
Duchesse said…
kmkat: There's more data every year on the effects and cost of sleep deprivation in the workplace; I hope they try the nap room!

cybill: How I envy people who can power nap right at their desks! I need quiet and a bed.

materfamilias: She can call me, I'm in Toronto!
Anjela's Day said…
I think if I can go back into the egg pod you have posted, I may be able to go back in time- be reborn and wake up a different person.
Has anyone had the awfulness of waking from a nap and being discombobulated, totally, like in some state of dementia? completely, unable to move- is it the opposite of sleep paralysis- the body can't move but the brain is awake. Frightening. It has only happened once to me.

Naps are essential to my work day now. Begin work at 10.00am have lunch at 11.30 ish and around 12.00 nap.... (the secret is to nap before one becomes narcoleptic..... :)
Duchesse said…
Anjela: Had my only out of body experience when waking from a nap... all I can say is, I awoke but I was not in my body and not dreaming. Had a few second's panic: how to to 'get back in'? Now see how the spirit leaves the body- it was like I imagine dying will be. Close to the experience you describe except was not IN my body.

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