Shawl as scarf, over denim: jolie fille!

From The Sartorialist's blog, his shot of Clea, a young Parisienne in her denim jacket, generous shawl folded into a scarf, generous smile to match.

Some months ago, when I posted on shawls, I included the tart counsel from a Paris merchant to never wear them granny style, with the point in back, ends tied over the chest.

I received an inquiry: why not?

Top: Clea's loose, oversized tie shows the beautiful pattern of the pashmina, and the perfectly-fitting denim jacket and gloves are casual but not sloppy. (If you're in a warmer locale, tie a silk or linen shawl over a blouse.)

Bottom photo: the point draws the eye to her... bottom.

A few more degrees warmer, and I'll be wearing Clea's look too. My skirt, though, is good foot longer than hers!


Susan B said…
Love this look. For me though, this only works if the fabric is fairly light; I can't tolerate the bulk of a heavy wool version of this around my neck. Linen, or a light cashmere is perfect.
NancyDaQ said…
Most of my shawls are oblongs so thank goodness, I can't do the "granny" style.
Anonymous said…
I think the "granny" style is fine with a much smaller shawl. I've seen a beautiful hand knit triangular shawl thrown over the shoulders of a coat for extra warmth. If the point is above the waist, it doesn't have the same emphasis!
Duchesse said…
northmoon: Victoria Descourtis (owner/designer of Wolff et Descourtis, the exquisite scarf and textile boutique)assertively removed the shawl from my shoulders when I tried it on that way: "Ne jamais le porter comme ca!" Was I intimidated, or what? :)
Duchesse said…
Correction: The owner of Wolff et Descourtis is the talented and beautiful Victoria Wolff. For anyone visiting Paris, it is one of the truly exceptional shops, in Galerie Vivienne, a passage (arcade) active since 1826.
Anonymous said…
Dèjà pseu, with our climate in Montréal, one need more than linen in the wintertime. Agreed that cachmere, with its loft and warmth, is ideal.

Nancy, I tend to avoid "granny style" too, though I admit I did it once with a fine cotton batik sarong I was using as an anti-sun shawl when it was revealed that we had to interpret IN THE SUN at a outdoor summer conference/retreat. I had to concentrate and could not deal with swinging the thing around my shoulders with the headphone and equipment.

Et oui, la fille parisienne est effectivement très jolie.

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