Vicky's pearls from the Phillipines

She offered it to me if I wished, and she'd have the dealer send her a second strand.
However, when we both tried them, appraising the effect before her mirror, it was clear as the Palawan waters that they were meant for her. She's a peach-toned light brunette, and these pearls caressed her, reflecting their glow to her face. I look

A closeup of her chocolate, gold and cream gems show their size and varying shapes; click on the photo to get really close. I've heard the shapes described as 'bread', 'button' or 'very off round'; Vicky says they're baroque. Who cares, they're gigantic!
Though you could wear them with a cocktail dress, Vicky playfully pairs them with a sweater, corduroy pants and driving moccasins. When I swooned over them as we ate pad thai, she offered them to me again, such a generous friend!
On her next trip, she'll return to the same dealer with that in mind. She's honed her bargaining skills through trips to Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar over decades; she is careful to establish a respectful relationship she can maintain for years.
The result of Vicky wearing her pearls so stylishly is that friends are begging for similar strands, so she will buy multiples when she's in Manila in the fall. I suggested she expand her business (antiques and interior design), to pearl-importing!
A true bonne vivante, she's also cooked some my sons' most memorable meals. Before she and her dashing husband Patrick retire to Asia, I long for one more feast of her inimitable cous-cous royale.
Thanks for the tea and sympathy Duchesse, let me dust off my boots and dry my tears and then I'll be back. You can't let the turkeys get you down, even if they are family. (And may D.S. get Turkey Neck now that I think of it...)
Pseu & Julianne: Terrific taste, and she has advised me. She's also wildly funny.