Petals for St. Pat's, and more pretty pearls

Designer Sara Canizzaro at Kojima Pearl (based in Oakland, CA) offers unusual varieties. You can (theoretically) spend tens of thousands, but here's the ocean's allure and luster for far less.
Above, Petal Pearl Strand: Chinese freshwater pearls (CFWP), a lavish 13x10mm per petal, $150 for the full strand. (Prices in $US.)

CFW "Pondslime" Pearl strand. Natural colours in an head-swiveling 11-12mm size, $359. Just gorgeous. Cool. I waaaant them.
Would you prefer to wear your

And finally, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I always try to recruit a GF for a drink in late afternoon, and this year's sidekick is my unemployed and authentically Irish friend J. We become the O'Malley Sisters, because what decent bar is going to turn away two middle aged sisters pining for their pint?
Sláinte Mhaith!
Today I will wear my vintage glass shamrock screw on earrings! I will make corned beef and cabbage for the kids, who will slather mustard all over, and I will probably end up drinking white wine!
I'm a full quarter Irish!!!
Karen: My mom used to make corned beef and cabbage but we liked it best when she tinted the mashed potatoes green!
It is also my cat Renzo's 13th birthday - this is significant as Renzo went missing for 5 weeks late in the autumn, including some freezing temps, and we never thought we'd see him again.
I vote for the earrings - they are divine. I've never been one for pearls, but Duchesse has shown me how varied and intriguing they can be.
Enjoy your pints!
love the ring as well, and I'm not even a ring-wearer.
I'll be drinking a Guinness when I get home from work today, and perhaps even singing a few of the Irish songs I used to sing with my dad -- if I have two Guinness, I'll even get a bit maudlin remembering his beautiful tenor voice and thinking about my Grandmother, originally a Haughey, so I do have a claim to the green . . . May the O'Malley Sisters have a great time today!
materfamilias: My father used to play Danny Boy and everyone would cry. Have fun!
Just a note to those who have the real ones - be careful when you spray your perfume - the two do not mix. Scent can harm your pearls so spray it away from them.
Now they have street parades in most towns and I guess lots of celebrating but most Irish born and raised people I know locally stay inside on St Patricks Day.... we usually get together and have a dinner and talk about Americans who turn their rivers green and their beer green and want to be Irish. Lol
I would love to know if anyone could tell me why we don't cook the bacon here but use corned beef instead?
Hope you had a great day Duchesse.
The O'Malley sisters had a grand time.