UdeMan: Mike Davis

His book "Monster at Our Door" describes the path of the next (or current?) flu pandemic, and addresses the intertwined health and political issues inherent in any viral storm.
His best-known book, "Planet of Slums", generated both acclaim and controversy for its bold analysis of the global, poor, urban cities proliferating in our time.
A self-described "Marxist-Environmentalist", Davis refuses to accept the easy assurance that the poor can lift themselves up, when regimes are corrupt and the food riots begin. Sometimes criticized as bleak and overly apocalyptic, I find Mike an open-eyed realist and a good counterargument to the "technology will save us" train of thought.

I'm such a fan that I will offer him my first-born to mentor and mold. (Son happens to be an Urban Studies major.)
Mike, mentor him in your firebrand politics and superb research and writing skills, impart your vision of a world disabused by bland assurances that technology or economics will rescue billions.
Mike Davis lives in San Diego, has taught at the Southern California School of Architecture, and has written 15 books. Married to the Mexican artist Allesandra Moctezuma, Davis has four children.
I'm going a bit at a time through "Confessions of an eco-sinner: tracking down the sources of my stuff" by Fred Pearce. You or your son might like that.
It is difficult to understand how this fits with your touting of $5,000 gold chains from Bergdorf Goodman.
Anonymous, shouldn't we treasure our contradictions? A love of beautiful things in no way contradicts a thirst for global justice. Think the son of Duchesse and Le Duc is probably capable of thinking for himself.
I know most of us write under web handles, but it is a pity to be "anonymous" as it means people cannot properly reply.
seeyouthere: Thas for the addition to my book list!