The first sunny weekend of spring

Over the weekend, I

- Got red toes and wore sandals for the first time
- Drank fresh-squeezed lemonade
- Ran into my friend Diverchic on the street and accompanied her to select a vintage scarf for a Mothers' Day gift
- Watched the trillium push up in our garden, the Japanese maple unfurl
- Had four lively, funny and interesting friends to dinner (at which we served the Potage St-Germain I posted)
- Visited my hairdressser; hair cut shorter than I anticipated, a 'lightening'
- Prowled through an outdoor antique market, enjoying the browse
- Washed black sweaters and put them away for months
- Stroked the shedding coat of our elderly, ailing and beloved cat
- Watched toddlers jump off the slightest rise, making a 2-inch drop an adventure
Goslings crossing the busy street by the river.
--Even more donations and decluttering.
--Changing from that heavy black purse to something lighter in color and weight.
--Looking longingly at the novels lined up on my bookshelf that I will be able to read once all my papers/exams are graded
That's just a start.
--Wearing my white jeans
--Enjoying a bruch al fresco without heat lamps
I've added you to my blogroll( That was also a nice thing to do for the first weekend of spring :) )
Getting back into my sandals. Sunny encounters with beloved friends.
Not having to bundle up. Watching the leaves come out. Noticing the new sun patterns in the yard. Meeting strangers in the lane while I guerrila garden. Frolicking.
Sandals for at least a week or two now, except on chilly wet days.
Helped a friend wash her wooden patio furniture yesterday afternoon. We are still hesitating to put plants out, as we are in a cooler zone than Duchesse.
Haven't really had a cappuccino or a glass of wine on a terrasse yet, but will. More interested in riding my bicycle. Seeing cyclists less hardcore than I am bringing out their bicycles, and a strong dose of cycle chic, of both sexes.
Encountering people I haven't seen for months, at Jean-Talon markets and on the streets everywhere. And of course the pretty trees and flowers.
Dreading another birthday, but I'll be too busy working that week to worry about it.
--That particular shade of new green
--Wide leg linen pants
--My twin sons' discovery of strawberries, or as Eric says, "strawbabies"
--Open windows for the brief moment before allergies kick in
--Supper by daylight
--Playground visits
--No coats!
Getting burnt for the first, and only time (oops just did that on my first day in LA, forgotten about the sunscreen!).