Video: Taylor Mali, What Teachers Make

Let's take a break from Paris, d'accord? My son Etienne showed me this video and I thought "I have to post it!"


Susan B said…
Wow, that's excellent! We have some teachers in the family; I'm going to forward this.

(Oh, and IMO, the majority of teachers are sorely UNDERpaid.)
materfamilias said…
That's great! Like Pseu, I'll be forwarding this to a few people.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting this. I have two children who are teachers and have bristled too often at ignorant, thoughtless comments about teachers.
Duchesse said…
leilani: His last line, "What do I make? I make a difference. Do you?" made me consider my own work. While he's speaking to a teacher, it's worth considering no matter what one does.
Duchesse said…
Oops darn it, I meant "While he's spaking AS a teacher".
Too early in am. here.
Susan Tiner said…
I forwarded this to my daughter.

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