Draw for "Spring Spritz" fragrance pack!

This is a bittersweet nearly-spring for me, with both personal loss (four friends in six weeks) and the  initiation of a trade war that will affect Canada markedly. Ensorrow is an obsolete word, but ripe for resurrection.

Still, the days lengthen; toddlers on daycare walks beam open-faced goodwill; the earliest of the returning geese squawk as they land on still-frozen ponds.

We need resolve and energy, we need a little dab of something—a pat of butter on a muffin, a trickle of maple syrup from this spring's batch, a spritz of fragrance. 

Gwen of perfumeniche and I have organized a small treat, a draw for a pack of five 1ml decants (stoppered glass bottles) that say Spring:

 - Escale à Portofino (Dior): A radiant and elegant scent; citrusy, sunny, fresh. Gwen: "More presence than most summer fragrances, but still light and summery." EDT

- Haunted Rose (Future Society): Created from the scent of a South African shrub rose, a subspecies of Macrotylis villosa, which last bloomed in 1960, by using genetic samples from the extinct flower. Sensuous, sun-warmed rose; opulent, exciting. EDP

- Sweet Grass (Libertine): Rosemary and lavender, tobacco and mimosa. A waft of glowing, golden warmth and quiet country relaxation. EDP

- Le Muguet de Rosine (Les Parfums de Rosine): Bergamot, green pear, creamy rose, lily of the valley;  the romantic spring air of a Parisian flower stall. EDP

- Aria di Capri (Carthusia): Sea breeze and sun, fresh flowers (mimosa, iris and others); oranges and lemons— this fragrance makes me feel like Jackie O. on holiday in Italy. From one of the great Italian houses.

If you want a jump on the season, you can order these from Gwen now, or ask what she suggests. She is a dab hand at finding new interpretations of notes you like, or suggesting fragrance families to explore.

How to enter the "Spring Spritz" draw

1. Send your email to gwen@perfumeniche.com with the header "Spring Spritz Draw" by midnight EST,  April 1, 2025.

2. In the email, complete this skill-testing question: 
The last line of the Canadian National Anthem is... 
(You may provide the phrase in either official language.)

3. Sign the email with your name, e.g., Joanne G. or username., e.g., "jorose".

The winner will be selected by a draw from the qualifying entries.
Duchesse will announce the winner in the Passage's post on April 8, 2025
The winner may then contact Gwen with a postal address.  

The value of the prize is $CDN 36.50. Shipping is via Canada Post; the winner is responsible for any applicable duties and taxes.  

Offer void where prohibited by law.

I read a suggestion for weathering difficult times: At the end of each day, pause and ask yourself, "What is the best thing that happened today?" It could be ordinary as a good sandwich, fleeting as the sight of a robin. 

For the past weeks, the "best thing" has been the presence of friends, in the Passage and in person. Notes, Scrabble, lunch, walks, tea. A Susanfriend sent a photo of an owlet; she knows my avian crush. It makes a difference, and I'm grateful.



Jane in London said…
I am so sorry to hear of your losses, Duchesse. Sadness, indeed.

Those perfume choices sound intriguing - and there's nothing quite like spritzing something delicious to help raise morale! Chanel was right, it's the "unseen, unforgettable accessory"
Laura J said…
What a delightful pick me up. Thank you Gwen! Not participating since I seem to have lots of scent right now. Good luck as Gwen’s selection is so much fun.
LauraH said…
Sorry to hear you're going through difficult personal times. As a pick me up, I try to appreciate the everyday things like a blue sky or the sun shining for a while. And for many years I've spent a few minutes at bedtime thinking of the things I've accomplished that day...I even count the laundry and cleaning the house:-) Seems to work for me.
noreen said…
very sorry to hear of the loss of your friends and of course the madness of the current state of US politics. i agree that finding something positive to focus on, no matter how tiny, is a good start
Jean S said…
My condolences to you--that's a lot of loss, all at once.

The perfume choices are tempting, but I'm That Weirdo when it comes to perfumes and need to "try on" in person. But someone will benefit from Gwen's picks!

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