On the streets: Lightening up

We had a beautiful Easter weekend in Montréal, with blue skies and sun you could feel on your face. Dressing to go to a neighbourhood bistro, I skipped past the black, choosing an aqua v-neck. The season evokes lightness, if not yet in fabric, in colour.

At the bus stop, we were charmed by a young woman in a bunny beret; the rabbit is a pin, the pearls are permanent:

Lapin du jour

She had a pink bag with a dangling bunny charm, and pink Converese high-tops:

The pink girl

Whimsy is not limited to the young; this woman had a rich amethyst ruff atop her grey:

The reader

My friend B. recently spent a week in New York and sent, at my request, a few shots of women on the street. They reflected similar individuality, such as these friends strolling in their spring coats:

The ecru friends

Nothing heralds spring like an all-ecru ensemble, or, like the woman on the right, white leather boots. Here, where we're still likely to get what the meteorologists optimistically call "mixed precipitation", white is going to be spattered with the detritus of winter, but it sure looks good.

But the shot that lingers—and I want to hear what you think—is of this woman:

The ultra-classic woman

My first thought was that her outfit is precisely coordinated, and everything seems of very good quality, but it is not current. An ultra-classic look has its adherents, and may not date as quickly as the graphic coat, but there is no dialogue with the present. This is an effect I hope to avoid, and yes, to each her own!

It's not about any one item, but that they are all worn together. For example, the ruana over jeans would be more appealing to me, but I'm searching for what to do with the tweed fedora. 

By contrast, I grabbed a couple of screen shots from a YouTube street videographer, "Starlinc", who stops passers-by to ask what they're wearing, and also asks philosophical questions like, "What advice would you give your younger self?"

Though he favours young adults, this woman is older, and an exemplar of a lighter, looser ensemble. She too has high-end gear (Givenchy bag and cargo trousers; Sacai sweater), but looks modern. He asked, "Where do you get your style inspiration?" She replied, "You know, I think it's just age, just knowing what feels comfortable. I actually don't like to shop."

The streetwear woman

Neither outfit may suit you (or your budget); I'm as far from owning a Givenchy crossbody as that prim, printed bag, but we inhabit the present; we're live-streamed, not recorded. I'm not suggesting that the hat-wearing woman should adopt streetwear, but she could consider this Banana Republic cape-coat, which is worn over full black trousers and a white tee, which she probably already has.

Between a fossilized classic and an ultra-trendy approach, there's an wide range of possibilities, so a beloved staple can find new life with a current shoe or fresh jacket. A good thing, because who wants to start again from scratch? Other times it's just over, at least for the present decade—but secretly, I do miss shoulder pads.

Excuse me now, I'm off to take an unsparing look at my springtime closet!  



Jumpringer said…
Really great post. I agree the taxi woman would do well to update her ensemble, although it’s hard to fault her as she is wearing quality items. She may be at a stage in her life where she’s “done with all that”.

The woman wearing the high end Givenchy, etc. who “really doesn’t like to shop” struck me as disingenuous…plus IMO her look was over the top.

As always, I enjoy your thoughtful, interesting posts.
Tom said…
Both women look wealthy. I actually like the classic outfit. The more contemporary one...well, I would think that the sweater and cargo pants (each about $1000 plus??) would probably have less longevity in the wardrobe than the classic pieces above. I've been on the lookout for a cape for a long time. I'm waiting for one to surprise me! e
Duchesse said…
Jumpringer: I don't think one owes a deeply sincere reply to a videographer who accosts you on the street and asks for the sources of your outfit. if you listen to her entire snippet, she's cheeky and runs her own business. I agree, maybe the ultra-classic woman does't have much interest, and I can relate! You might enjoy my post, "Can Grow Women Wear Streetwear?":

Tom: I would have admired this full-gallop equestrienne look in 1971 and killed for those boots. But I find it dated now. Capes are very hard to pull off, if one is not tall enough to command the sweep. That's why I like the BR coat-cape, it's a hybrid, cut shorter. If you watch Starlinc's entire episode, he talks to younger people who show off their thrifted finds. He doesn't just fawn over the people in luxury clobber, like so many Instagrammers. But I always think, Wow, some women buy really expensive clothes! (However, sites like The RealReal offer it secondhand.)

For my money BR is nailing the classic look these days, and if you look at their site, you can see how they handle it.

All: After I wrote this, I vetted my closet and took a plump bag to the charity store... in it were three menswear cotton shirts which looked staid (Bought because I like them on other women), a top I wore to a funeral (I can never wear these things after the event) and a pair of trousers that will not fit anymore unless I find another way to breathe.

Laura J said…
😂😂looking for another way to breathe!! Officially wearing a bright bitter green beret, floral scarf(silk+wool) and have reluctantly given up my mittens for gloves. That said “nature’s fertilizer” ❄️❄️❄️❄️ is on its way later this week. I too occasionally buy shirts because they look good on others…generally consigned after a few uncomfortable wears…. I’ve found having 1 or 2 bright cashmere sweaters works for spring here…colourful but still warm. I’m on a clearing out tear right now🙂🙂
Venasque said…
I actually quite like the outfit on the first woman much better than the second. The first looks like she actually wears those things, the other looks like she's trying too hard. Not to mention it's messy and everything is rucked up around her neck by the bag which looks like it's strangling her. The first person is saved from prissy and out of style by the boots and trousers which look like they could be riding pants (or not). Secondly I'm not sure what's going on with the jacket front but there is some kind of folding bit on its edge which takes it into interesting territory. She could try the Banana Republic coat but it's very voluminous, so depending on her height may, or may not, work. I think the hat is great. Personally I'd put the hat, Banana Republic coat and the sweater with jeans.

I don't really think you can compare the two to be honest. One is elegant, but comfortable and tidy and the other is...not. I do like that sweater though.
Abigail said…
That cape coat would look like a tent on my short, plump body. I would like to see a different purse on the taxi lady, but I have no room to talk. I use the same purse for years at a time despite the fact that I have other nicer choices in the closet. I don't understand those cargo pants anywhere other than at a rock concert. Thanks for bringing all of these things to my attention.
Duchesse said…
Venasque: Well, that's style for you and I am all for women wearing what they like. The second woman is doing NYC streetwear style, and on •that• street, it's a look more current than the equestrienne outfit. As I wrote, there is lots of room in the middle.

Abagail: Some of the clothes in the photos have been around since Princess Di tucked leggings into her high boots, and others stretch the eye because we have not seen the proportions for as long. What you actually want to wear of course has to be scaled to your own body, even bags. I think this is why I just got rid of three "perfectly good" menswear shirts.

Jean S said…
Well, I love "Taxi Woman's" fedora and boots, but would dress down--jeans and a chunky sweater, perhaps. But my life is far more casual than hers, obviously.

I've tried capes, but good grief, I feel like an utter klutz with them. Too much fabric management for my taste.
Bytowner said…
Great post Duchesse. Taxi woman is bit too much for me, though i love the tweed fedora, and don't mind the tweedy jacket and ruana but the leggings/riding pants tucked into riding boots are what strike me the wrong way. I think my favourite of all these lovely photos of people out in the early spring weather is bunny beret person. She has committed to her look!
We are likely to get the rain-snow-rain in Ottawa too. Stay warm and dry.
Jane in London said…
It's so interesting to read different peoples' takes on these looks! Style really is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it. For me, Taxi Woman would be OK if she ditched the hat and bag, and wore a lighter-coloured cape, but it would still be a bit 'fossili

I'm not a fan of streetwear style for myself, but can appreciate on others in small doses. I am constantly amazed by the price of some of the clothes and accessories that make up such a look...
Duchesse said…
Jean S: Another problem with capes is that of what to do with one's arms when not standing still. I tried a friend's kit ruana and every time I had to use my arms, it needed to be rearranged. Instead, I have one of those knee-length sleeveless down coats that doesn't move around, and though its season here is short, I like wearing it as a change from a puffer.

Bytowner: In her way, each woman has committed to a very specific look. (And I'm not saying taxi woman should become streetwear woman.) I do, however, find many of the tweaks readers have suggested to her outfit would bring taxi woman into the current time. Recently, I was at Simon's with a friend and noticed that the classic pieces were the ones on the sale racks. The exploded-print sweaters like streetwear woman is wearing had sold out. Montréalers like trends—t it should tell you something that the local Talbot''s closed.

Jane in London: I have adopted one specific item of streetwear, the zip-front hoodie. It's so versatile, and I've never worn classic cardies well, usually too short in body and arms (though admire them on others.) I might wear a more timid version of those loose pants, maybe just one zip at the pockets ;)

One can get this look for less, except maybe the trousers, which have a lot of detailing. (Christobal Balenciaga must be spinning!) Fashion lovers use sites like Vestiare and TheRealReal or Rent the Runway to get designer trendy clothes for somewhat less.

Unknown said…
Thank you for this post, I so enjoy your street style images and thoughts (I still miss Bill Cunningham's work in the New York Times.) I think my favorite may be Ms. Bunny Hat, she had that spark of individual creativity that is such a joy to see. She is a role model!
The taxi woman did look caught in time, I'm afraid not in a good way. I'm sure those layers cost a lot, it's probably hard to retire a look like that.
AgentEars said…
I want to look “put together” but not “done”. Is this even possible?
Duchesse said…
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Duchesse said…
Unknown: Amy Fine Collins and Olivia Goldsmith, in "Simple Isn't Easy", their much-lauded book, say something like, "Doesn't matter what you paid for it, if it doesn't work, it has to go." This has been the hardest thing for me, because I always hear my Depression-era mother saying, "What? It'd perfectly good." But they are right.

AgentEars: Yes, it's possible for anyone willing to put some thought into it. If you have not read the book I mentioned to Unknown, it's a good start, as well as Alyson Walsh's more current and similar "Know Your Style", or just look for writers who are showing you the kind of thing that to you looks "put together but not done". You may also have friends, colleagues or family who are exemplars; I have found it helpful to look at real people, and besides, it's fun.
Allison said…
The taxi lady looks caught in a of a Ralph Lauren time warp..on the other hand perhaps she is so ON TREND she just whooshed by us be-hoodied street style chicks because……OLD MONEY is the new aesthetic. I read it in the Wall Street Journal and on the dernier cri of la mode: Reddit! I have just surfaced from taking a deep dive into a Reddit thread about all things OLD MONEY written of course by Gen Z ers who can’t even grasp the concept of old let alone real money. Poor things;)
This grande dame leaves no box unchecked! The $$ labelled bag, the well tailored jacket, the $ boots, well groomed, well coiffed and she can afford a cab. I’ll bet she’s never worn jeans, well maybe once while dancing with darling Andy and the Studio 54 gang…
My nod to the street/old money trend is a cashmere hoodie. Not sure if our taxi lady would go that far out on the fashion limb. Anyway we risk whiplash trying to follow the trend du jour. My current style these days is wearing that hoodie over pyjamas and (don’t kick me out of the club) wide legged yoga pants from Amazon(!) and fur lined Crocs…Zimmer splints do not care what’s on trend they only care if the fashion fits over or under them. Knee surgery is such a bore..and so lacking in style! The crutches do lend a certain insouciant panache:)
My mother would look at your other street stylin’ lady and opine ‘that woman looks like she shops at St-Vincent de Paul’ about the lowest fashion blow that could be delivered back in the day…how times change and even that venerable establishment has moved with the times and has been renamed Chez Vincent!!
I do love Mme Lapin Rose. Yup une vraie fille de Montréal au printemps!!!
royleen said…
Love the look of the BR coat-cape. Not sure I could pull it off, but happy to appreciate it!

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