"The True Cost" of fast fashion

Though I have read much about the environmental and social costs of the apparel industry, especially "fast fashion"—the cheap, trendy and continually-refreshed global brands—the impact of visuals was more compelling. After the oil and gas industry, apparel is the most polluting industry.
I tried to assuage twinges of guilt: Wait, I thought, I don't want more, and I don't buy cheap, fast fashion. Well OK, except for a few Forever21 canvas tote bags. Dang, those are cute.
But though a closet check shows a good percentage of locally-made or fair-trade pieces, I can improve.
My sentiment is similar to Susan Burpee's post, "In Praise of Slow Fashion", on her blog, High Heels in the Wilderness. I sense a groundswell.
Like Susan, I searched for lists of the best ethical and fair-trade brands, though the terms are often fuzzily-defined. When I saw H&M on Marie Claire magazine's list, I wondered: in the film, their PR person could not look her interviewer in the eye and avoided a factual answer when asked what the Swedish chain (the largest of the fast-fashion merchants) pay the Asian garment workers hired via independent suppliers.
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Lillikoi Basic Boatneck |
I look first for locally and Canadian-made; some favourites include Lisette L (trousers), Lilikoi (cotton and bamboo tees and dresses), La Canadienne (shoes and boots), Vèronique Miljkovitch (chic tops and dresses) and Betina Lou (sportswear).
I'm learning more about buying jeans, thanks to Ethical Consumer's site, which publishes a scorecard for some brands. (Sidebar: Just because a pair of jeans costs $250 does not mean that's an ethical choice.)
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People Tree Zandra Rhodes top |
Economist Richard Wolff commented succinctly about the macro-economic issues of late-stage capitalism, though did not provide solutions.
When I started buying my own clothes in US, during the mid-'60s, it was taken for granted that what one bought there was made there. My small town's best shops, which catered to wealthy summer residents, sold some luxury imports: British woolens and the rare, very special French or Italian dress, but also sportswear made from fabric milled in the Carolinas, Ohio, and New York. Now, the world comes to our malls and streets, flooding them with cheap, abundant fashion that promotes a rapid spend-divest-spend cycle.
As Suzy Menkes said after the 2013 Bangladesh factory disaster, "It's not just manufacturers...it's about the consumer. We need to realize it's morally wrong to buy a bikini for the same price as a cappucino."
Many young adults are have rejected the habit I picked up as I blew my summer job's cheques on something new for a dance, a change of season or even just because I had worn the thing too many times.
Oh, that's embarrassing to admit! And that attitude is the shopper's crack: feels good at first, but then it's hell to kick.
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Achilles' Heel par excellence |
She said, "That's the sign I have enough", and her wisdom will stay with me next time I'm tempted by "just one more" of those luscious knits.
How attentive are you to the production behind your clothes and accessories? Does it matter? What do you do, or hope to do?
I went and visited all the lovely sites you noted and not one of them has plus-sized clothing (I know, I'm riding that horse again). It's disheartening that there is so little choice for bigger women.--Louise
Lisette's plus sizes are here:
Lilikoi makes sizesd up to 2X, they are on the same menu as misses'.
Though not formally including a plus line, Betina Lou and Véronique make styles that will fit an 16W-18W, though other pieces will not.
For example, this Véronique Sophie dress in XL will fit certain plus bodies, depending on bust: http://shop.miljkovitch.com/collections/ss16/products/sophie
and so would this Ivy top:
My La Canadienne shoes/boots are great, I felt like a sausage in the Lisette L pants I tried, Lilikoi styles haven't suited me so far and Veronique seems a bit too dressy. I'll try the others you mentioned for sure. Miik has some great styles and checks all the boxes http://www.miik.ca/ Those in Toronto can check out Logan & Finley for more made in Canada clothing http://loganandfinley.com/
What fun to be quoted, I'm flattered! Living in a house with very limited storage space also helps to put a brake on new purchases.
I wear my Véronique tops with jeans, but they also dress up.
Thanks so much for the recommendations.
Mme Là-bas: Thanks! I looked at their site; there are links to online retailers but would be even more appealing if they had a dedicated e-commerce feature on their site.
What a good point about on-line shopping and the environmental costs of increased shipping when people order six items and keep two. I guess I should be glad that on-line shopping is not something I do much... and then only when I can return an item to bricks and mortar store. Something to be said for living in the Canadian "wilderness."
Once again a great post. Thanks.
I've rarely purchased anything in recent years that might be described as "fast fashion," and the few pieces I did succumb to were ultimately a disappointment. Regarding online shopping, it's been a major point of frustration for me in recent years that brick-and-mortar shops aren't stocking Petites if the brand offers them (or Plus sizes), so those of us who can't always wear standard sizes are forced to order online. Sometimes I can find an item in a standard size that works for me, but alterations are often required. I know it's not everyone's cup of mojito, but I like that Eileen Fisher has a corporate commitment to ethical manufacturing and environmental sustainability. It does help to that so many of her pieces wear like iron.
According to the blog "The Elegant Bohemian", Doncaster clothing is now made in their China factory.
However, we should not assume all foreign factories are hellholes that employ underpaid workers; the film showed some that were not. That is the mission of organizationslike PeopleTree- to suport safe workplaces and fairly-paid jobs in various locales.
I recently bought a blouse that said "Designed in Montréal" and feel good about it; only when I was checking washing instructions I found the much smaller tag that said in tiny print, "Made in China".
Ten years ago == when I was a few sizes smaller, in the sprit of full disclosure == I could find high quality European-made clothing at discounters such as Loehmann's, Filene's Basement, etc. Those stores have gone under, and that merchandise is nowhere to be found. Fortunately for me it coincides with a sense of satiety with my clothes and shoes, but I am truly sorry that good design, good material, and good technique have disappeared. Eileen Fisher, though made more forgivingly than the tailored stuff I used to be drawn to, does consistently use high-quality fabrics, if not very sophisticated constructions. Maybe knits are now where we should turn our attention.
LauraH: Have you ever shopped at Ewanika? I really like her clothes, but not all are cut for my body.
Sisty: Where are those odd lots. ends and unsold sale items now that Loehmanns and my fave Daffy's are gone? I found a whole rack of EF at Winners (our TJ Maxx), however, a rather uninspired teal. When visiting San Francisco, I stumbled upon a non-big-brand off-price shop and found it crammed with Barney's merch. That stuff has to end up somewhere.
We also remember that garment workers in East, South and Southeast Asia have just as much a right to decent work as their sisters and brothers in North America and Europe.
There were as many higher-end labels in the rubble of Rana Plaza as cheap stuff from Primark and Joe Fresh...
I was glad that Duchesse brought up what for me was the very odd practice of systematically ordering and returning clothing. The only things I order online are from the distinctly unfashionable Sears chain. I'd never think of ordering a dress from there, but they carry a lot of the popular "comfortable" shoe brands, in a range of widths.
People ignore the high cost of shipping in shopping "over the internet". It doesn't come by Internet, it comes by truck or even plane.
Free shipping is of course an illusion, the cost is factored in, as it is in a bricks and mortar store.
Our local thrifts carry a fair amount of clothing suitable for work, but you do have to look- and the women's choices IMO are more dated than men's. Recently I watched a couple of young men pick out two current-looking suits for about $16 each. Shoes for work are the hard thing to find at such places.
I buy from a Canadian designer, and •try• to hold out for her sales.
She designs yoga clothes that can also be worn on the street, and they really do fit well.