Toward a more relaxed festive season

Some years ago, I set out to reduce such stressors. Some ideas listed are common sense, but others turned traditional behaviours on their stocking-capped heads.
1. Stop giving material gifts to those over twelve
For local friends and family, take them out (later) for lunch, tea, a performance, skating—whatever you two would enjoy. Cost: $10 to the sky, and no one has to make houseroom for an object. (You could treat distant recipients when you see them.) There may be a few family members for whom you wish to box up a well-chosen object, but getting rid of most shopping gives energy to choose more pleasurably for the few that remain.
Many readers donate to charities in their friends' names, as my girlfriends and I now do.

2. Postpone your party

People will have more fun when your event is not the fourth of the week. If you must host a holiday party, invite guests for a cinq-à-sept (or six-à-huit) or afternoon open house instead of a full dinner.
3. Retire traditions, selectively
Always bake twenty types of cookies? Decorate every room in the house? Carol till you're hoarse? Ask yourself, "What do I most enjoy?" and let the rest go.

On December 1, one son's roommate, in a munchie-induced fugue, ate all the chocolates out of his Advent calendar in one sitting; I think it's time to 86 that tradition!
4. Give a heartfelt hand
I often wonder why stores are so crammed and nursing homes so quiet. Pay a visit, volunteer to cook or serve a community meal, wrap gifts for a social service agency, shovel someone's walk, take a neighbour's child for the day so she can finish her own tasks. You know what needs doing.
5. Go elsewhere for once
Some ideas from friends and acquaintances:
- A single mother is taking her two children to a resort as the sole Christmas gift for everyone. (Travel costs can be horrendously high just before Christmas, but travel on the 25th is often deeply discounted.)
- A woman bartered her work for a Thursday-to-Sunday stay at an acquaintance's chalet
- A recently-widowed woman will spend Christmas visiting a friend since childhood, now widowed too, and living in France
- A couple have registered for a retreat at a local Buddhist center
- A family of four will help build a school in a developing country, a project led by their congregation
- A friend is returning to her childhood home to care for her elderly father while her sister and brother-in-law, who are the live-in caregivers, take a break.
By "going somewhere else" I'd also include fellowship events outside your usual sphere. At such a service this month, I learned about other traditions by joining the congregants' service and sharing a meal. It's not necessary to hold any faith or affiliation to attend the many services, lectures, concerts or community meals open to the public.
We are very flexible about when our children visit us, and host a leisurely gathering a day or two after Christmas so that our young adults do not race over icy roads to be sure each set of parents is seen on Christmas Day.

Invitations are like emotional peanuts: can't stop at one. It's so easy to keep saying yes to another soirée or, for that matter, cup of eggnog.
But permitting ones' self to say no-thank-you makes the yeses more enjoyable. Don't feel you must accept every invitation you receive (unless you really want to attend). If your presence is non-negotiable, it is often enough to drop in for an apéritif, then wish the endurance revelers good evening.
I remember Dorothy M., our friend Don's mom. Don visited us around 9 p.m. every Christmas, which is when Dorothy, caving under the tension of producing yet another mammoth family dinner, would collapse in tears. He and his siblings would do the dishes and then clear out so Dottie could decompress in her bath with a large sherry.
She's gone now, but she represents women who think we have to do it all, and double down for the holidays. There's nothing wrong with a nice restorative sherry, but why not lighten the load so the season engenders joy rather than tension?
Kristien: Those of us with children often ramped up the celebration rather reflexively during early years. Now that everyone is an adult, scaling back makes sense. Illuminating to hear how the necessity of caring for another opened the door for your family's re-evaluation.
I dread Xmas because of the fuss people make and then, even worse, the fuss they make about how much work it is. Then don't do it. It's as easy as that. Skip it once (whatever it is - cookie baking, exchanging gifts with every person you know, decorating every square inch of the house) and it will help you determine which traditions are too important to miss in future years.
I put candles in the windows because I love the beautiful light during these short, dark days. I skip a tree because I don't get any joy from that.
Thanks for your posts.
I actually love Christmas as it is a great time for all the family to get together. Decorating is simple and we do a tree decorating party and order in pizza. I have an amaryllis and paper whites in the house and a swag of greenery on the front door.
Dinner for the family is the big event and I do put a big effort into this one meal but prepare a few dishes in advance which makes a big difference. The day after dinner I usually stay in my robe and laze about the house indulge in a turkey sandwich on white bread and eat some homemade chocolate bark!
It is also a good moment to enjoy a film or an art exhibit, and one of my close friends is returning soon from two months in Cuba and we will surely catch this: (also in English)
Living alone now (with an elderly cat), I don't put up a tree, but some coniferous branches from the Market in lieu of a bouquet adds a nice aroma.
Jean: Whether a tri-church service led by Anglicans, Presbyterians and United Church members, Hannukah parties/seders, Diwali celebrations, meditation with Buddhists, aboriginal services- as well as any number of "secular humanist" gatherings- I am an appreciative guest and have been moved by the welcome.
diverchic: Memories of your delightful Christmas open houses, with those tiny stuffed quail's eggs!
LPC: Not working takes an enormous amount of time-related stress off the season.
materfamilias: Exactly, it is those divided-visit obligations that have cemented our family's casual attitude.
hostess: Recipes you can make ahead are brilliant- and not only for holidays.
lagatta: I will return to that exhibit for the second time next week, and museums are especially fun at holidays, though more crowded.
Anon@ 11:59: Potlucks are one way around the workload; some families do them very well and for others (without naming names) it is a race to the bottom.
Wendy: Limiting gift cost is wise, and also invites ingenuity. Lights-in-hydrangea sounds magical.
Beth: As someone who has deeply enjoyed your choir performance, how could I advise against that ;)?
foxandfinch: Might that be because magazines, who depend on advertising revenues, cannot suggest readers decrease consumption? Thank you.
Living on the other side of the world from my family (and have very little of it), I really want to feel valued by being given some kind of a gift by them.
My husband's family plan Christmas almost a year in advance and have a big, long, gift giving session, masses of food, staying over at their house for a couple of days etc. They would be quite hurt if we didn't participate.
And EVERYONE is having events in Dec - lots of birthdays and other things going on. Plus lots of travel and events for work.
Aaaarrrrgh! (runs off, tearing hair...)
Christmas Eve is for my side of the family, Christmas Day is for OH's.
A long time ago, we decided that two big 'traditional' meals back-to-back were just too much.
Christmas Eve is now about eating other 'traditional' meals - Italian, Chinese, Mexican, etc. Each family contributes and we eat buffet-style - work divided, joy multiplied.
the other Wendy.