Fine balance

All the students lurch, no one relishes the tippy, unfamiliar sensation.
You can see the relief when Sheila moves on, treating us to a nice, feel-good Pigeon. Good, we say via eye contact, that section is over. We like to be in control.
But wait, we need those balance poses, and will need them more as each year passes.
Balance helps us reach for a jar off the top shelf, right ourselves when we miss a step crossing the street, catch a leaping grandchild safely. Without attention, balance steadily and imperceptibly erodes till a fall or injury delivers a hard truth: we've "lost our balance" and sometimes our confidence as well.
When we practice balance exercises we are actually maintaining two separate senses: equilibrioception, the sense of balance which derives from inner ear fluids, and proprioreception, the sense of knowing where your body is in space. Proprioception comes from the nervous system as a whole; it's how, for example, you can perform the critical task of eating popcorn while watching a movie without looking at your hand going into the box.
Outside of the yoga studio, few exercise classes devote much time to balance; gym trainers give it short shrift unless the trainer specializes in fitness for older bodies. There's the stability ball, which can be used for balance work, but most women I see on the ball are doing the strength stuff.
Balance is the fitness dimension most prone to neglect; women want to be strong, maintain a healthy weight, even be more flexible, but I have never heard one say, "I wish I had better balance".
How's your balance? Do you consciously maintain it? What do you do?
Balance is the fitness dimension most prone to neglect; women want to be strong, maintain a healthy weight, even be more flexible, but I have never heard one say, "I wish I had better balance".
How's your balance? Do you consciously maintain it? What do you do?
Thanks too, Duchesse, for such a stimulating and rewarding way to start the day, via your wonderful "Passage des Perles"!
My past as a dancer means practicing balance is maybe more familiar to me, but the injuries that come with age and less practice of it are garden variety I think. The problem sneaks up on a person! Just a couple years I was actually in the process of getting back in shape (to dance) and not practicing balance at all when I partially dislocated a lower leg bone due to the decreased supporting muscle mass. The recovery was brutal but now, even while simply waiting for the water to boil for my morning tea, I do the little exercises given to me by my physical therapist: single leg balances, a very slow walk going heel-to-toe and *balancing* on each foot landing and take off. A lot of other hurts and fears about falling are significantly minimized when I do these regularly.
Fantastic topic! Wishing you well with your yoga practice.
In fact, now that you have me thinking about this, I think I'll bring it up with my mom when I visit her today -- she walks hours each day (no exaggeration!), but I'm not sure how much she works on balance. . .
I AlwayS stand on one foot to tie my shoes. You'll be surprised how how neatly this becomes routine and how greatly it improves balance -- and how impressed everyone will be at airport security!
Linda, HB, thanks for the do-at-home tips!
HB: Little balance exercises can be incorporated into one's day, even standing on one leg waiting for the bus, or as you do, waiting for your tea.
Pseu: Morris dancing, who knew! The Morris dancers I knew mainly drank!
Tessa: Stress messes with balance, and do does diet, vision changes and loss of muscle mass.
materfamilias: Haven't done Pilates for years since injuring myself seriously (in a rollover, my fault, not the instructor's). Liked it but now am more interested in yoga and have been able to practice injury free so far.
Nancy: In my experience it comes back; maybe do simple balances like Tree at home in your street clothes; 5 min. daily really helps. See Linda's comment.
LPC: Thanks, great point! Most standing exercises with weights can be done on one leg, which makes them balancing exercises too.
MJ: I'm ordering, for that price can't go wrong. Many thanks!
Linda: You should see me in the change room hopping around trying to balance and put my tights on. Great idea to use dressing as a balance exercise.
Off topic but you may enjoy: I just checked for the Max Mara Fall/Winter 2011 runway show. The colors don't do much for me however there is a stunning camel coat in photo #22 that is worth saving up for. It is sleekly proportioned without excess styling and ornamentation. You may want to take a look.
So, another reason I need to START EXERCISING! Used to do Pilates and loved it; kind of afraid I'll look like an inflexible blob at yoga class, but that's no excuse, is it????
I'll look; I find MaxMara/Marina Rinaldi my best source for tasteful clothes that last well. Theirs is a sale I will always make time to check.
JillAnn: It's a system, the muscles, bone strength and alignment, balance and proprioreception all working together. And even a small stroke affects balance too. Ours might be the first generation consciously attending to balance. Don;t worry, most of us in yoga are inflexible blobs!
Marsha: Ewww, bad fall! Grabbing foot as you describe is a good one, or even just standing on one leg and raising the other, bent at knee. It will all help. When I took Pilates a man told me he had to have his wife put on his socks but now could do it himself.
Rubi: Will be looking for a new studio and will resort to classes on Yoga Today site till I find a class right for me. Hoping yoga class will intro me to new people, I've met so many wonderful women here through yoga.
I've regained mine working out hands free on the arc trainer. It gives me confidence, and it's easier processing and recessing in choir while holding a hymnal and singing! Not easy to do if there's balance issues.
Now I work balance into my workouts.
There's actually a medical test for balance, often applied to us old bats, that entails standing in that pose (or as close to it as the patient can get) and measuring the amount of time the person can hold it. Most people over a certain age can't do it longer than three or four seconds.
In our yoga group, the first time we tried it some of the women couldn't do it at all. After a few weeks, though, our instructor pointed out that we were all doing the pose and managing to hold it for a respectable period...not bad, for a bunch of old biddies!
I now try to practice it whenever I think of it, often standing in the kitchen while waiting for food to heat or water to come to a boil.
hostess: Trees sway naturally, so my teacher says swaying is part of the pose!
Terri: We see it in our mothers and one day we are there ourselves.
Fuji: Yogis unite! I use Yoga Today and will check out yogaglo.
Funny: Some days I feel absolutely steady and others cannot hold it to save my life. My teacher always encourages people to stand near a wall (and use it) when having a "bad balance day".
When I plant my foot down I try to spread my toes out and imagine four separate points (two just behind the farthest toes.. and the other two on either side of the heel pad). Then I try to focus on those spots, which have more or less pressure on the floor. I try to equalize that before I even lift my other leg at all. (for the first few years, I hated spreading my toes, it looks terrible, now I do it without thinking, and it really helped me a lot!)
Next I lift my chin and look up.. focusing my gaze on a specific point on the wall. I pretend there is a taught string between that spot and my tiara.
Try it.. I hope it helps.. and if not, at least you are wearing a tiara!
I've had reconstructive surgery on one side of my chest with an implant under my chest muscle to make up for a missing breast.
My balance is just fine on one foot, but wobby on the other and I attribute that to the implant. I like instructors who run you through a pose twice on each side. Usually by the time I'm doing it for the second time I'm stablier.
You wouldn't think that something to do with your chest would make a difference, but it does.
Despite that odd thing I prefer balancing to Pigeon. Being all twisted out flat face-down on the floor makes me feel closed-in and anxious. At least with balance poses I can see as I wobble.
Then of course there is one-legged King Pigeon. Yoga nerds can talk about this stuff forever.
Marian: Good way to practice with or without the half ball!
Third time is a charm! ;)
I've also noticed if I mix up my routine and place the tree pose near the end, my balance and focus can deliver a perfect stance on the first attempt! I work on a ground routine first, working my way up to the standing poses.