Barter, swap, gift: Beyond money

Strictly speaking, this might not de-clutter, since another book is coming to you, but it's a great way to read to your heart's content without the time limit of a library book. Or you could swap your book for one a friend would enjoy, recycling your book into a gift.
Bartering is on the rise as a way to reduce, recycle, or just participate in a community of support. People willing to propose barter discover, as Michael Phillips and Salli Rasberry said in "The Seven Laws of Money", "there are worlds without money".

Some members have very specific requests: a pure bred Arabian horse for a Dodge pickup, for example. Other offerings hint at untold stories: "Boxes and boxes of legal paper for letter paper."
I'm considering a house-swap for a one or two-week vacation, one of the most popular and successful forms of barter; have you ever done it?
Barter offers are posted daily on Craigslist- see "For Sale/Barter" and "Housing Swap" listings.
You can also just plain give stuff away. We used the local board of the the Freecycle Network to give some unused office equipment to a young woman who needed it- as their website says, "changing the world one gift at a time."
I'm eager to hear of anyone's experience with barter or gifting.
Two people I know did house swaps in Europe. I think the desirability of your area is important--and, I would guess, that Toronto is very desirable. Little town outside New Orleans is not so good (very hot in summer). So one family, ecstatic over a swap in Paris, traded their giant house with pool for a little apartment in the 19th (I think). All the people we knew who knew Paris said "EUUUUUU"--and this proved to be correct. But I should think you could get something excellent.
Glad to see you mention home exchange - it's a great way to travel and save money! Many exchangers will find swaps via Craigslist but, especially for first timers, it pays to join a private members only specialist home exchange site for the guidance and information available to members (including advice on researching locations of homes before agreeing to swap).
I am Canadian but have lived in London for many years, running Home Base Holidays since 1985. We have a very large number of home exchange offers throughout the UK and worldwide. I also publish a blog, Travel the Home Exchange Way, and hope you will visit, or get in touch, if you have any questions about swapping homes.
I am 62 and still interested in fashion so v. glad I found your blog!
And aside from listings in 130 countries, you'll also find several articles and tips to help you find and arrange a swap.
Good luck!
I also barter my services - my logo was designed by a graphic artist who I did consultations for.
I'm always open to a barter - if it is something I'm interested in I'm happy to exchange services. It's a great idea and way of doing business.
And I check the curbs the week after graduation at our local university town (it's amazing what students throw away).
Shay: Great examples, and I love how you reverse-pick from students!