One leaves the nest
This past weekend, one of our 22 1/2 year old twin sons left home to begin his independent life in Montreal. And with his departure, the first rearrangement of our family: we're no longer under the same roof.
Some of you know the bittersweet moment.
He spent the last three days in a whirlwind of packing punctuated by parties. Then the ride's here, a quick round of hugs, and off.
The boy-to-man cave of his room is as layered as an archaeological dig: snowboard stickers on the desk, wallpaper sprayed with coke stains from a rambunctious sleepover. Little-kid papier-maché animals perched aside dusty karate belts.
We'll redecorate; soon it won't look like a kid's room. But in the present echoey emptiness, I recalled the murmur of bedtime stories, "bonne nuit, bonne nuit and a bumble bee" and a last kiss as the light was turned off. Thumps of bed forts, blare of Green Day, chirp of his phone. See his four
year old feet sticking out from his duvet, nails painted black thanks to an indulgent sitter.
I miss him–though don't want him to miss us– and cope by eating carrot cake in the middle of the day. I love that he took all his books and bookshelves with him.
Off he goes in
to the world, his world, as suffused with excitement as the photo I have of his first solo trip up the stairs, at just over one year. Two days ago he and his boxes went down those stairs, with the same enthusiasm.
The first thing he and his mates did in his new town is treat themselves to a late night dinner at Au Pied de Cochon, "PDC" to them.
Bonne chance, Etienne!
Some of you know the bittersweet moment.
He spent the last three days in a whirlwind of packing punctuated by parties. Then the ride's here, a quick round of hugs, and off.
The boy-to-man cave of his room is as layered as an archaeological dig: snowboard stickers on the desk, wallpaper sprayed with coke stains from a rambunctious sleepover. Little-kid papier-maché animals perched aside dusty karate belts.
We'll redecorate; soon it won't look like a kid's room. But in the present echoey emptiness, I recalled the murmur of bedtime stories, "bonne nuit, bonne nuit and a bumble bee" and a last kiss as the light was turned off. Thumps of bed forts, blare of Green Day, chirp of his phone. See his four
year old feet sticking out from his duvet, nails painted black thanks to an indulgent sitter.
I miss him–though don't want him to miss us– and cope by eating carrot cake in the middle of the day. I love that he took all his books and bookshelves with him.
Off he goes in

The first thing he and his mates did in his new town is treat themselves to a late night dinner at Au Pied de Cochon, "PDC" to them.
Bonne chance, Etienne!
My son made the trek in the opposite direction, Montreal à Toronto, some 10 yrs ago and has been a happy man since.
A short hop on a plane, car or train is all that was needed to ease the longing when mom's chocolate chips cookies were needed to fix anything and everything.
We both have grown since from his experience at being on his own. He found out he could and I found out I had done a good job of preparing him to do so.
Moms & sons quelle affaire eh?
One benefit one gets upon turning 60 is the right to take a friend free of charge when taking a VIA train in Canada. Friend can be same age group or younger. It sounds strange, as if most people that age would possibly need a "travel helper" but it is a nice perk, if you can work out travel schedules with a friend or relative.
Madeleine soies et laines has a website now (impressive, as it is a small shop). It is in French; non-French speakers might want to click on "échantillons" (samples) for some of the interesting fabrics available: http:/
Other twin still at home?
My daughter who is 24, moved back in with me after living in Colorado for 2 years. I expect her to stay for at least another couple of years until she finishes school. After sending her to boarding school in Switzerland when she was 12, I'm happy to have this time with her now.
And what a wonderful city to have a great excuse to visit!
Anonymous (in Mtl): That's reassuring, thanks!
Pseu: I hope that will come, it's still so new.
lagatta: I am SO onto that Via discount. Have also checked out the McGill residences. Other twin here but eyeing apt. with friend for spring. Thanks for fabric reference, must go.
Belle: I could have enjoyed skipping some of the teen stuff and getting an adult back for awhile. Twin here for just 2 more months, we think.
hostess: Do have that feeling of a job well done, which is a relief, thanks.
materfamilias: You have been an inspiration re this leaving matter and the joys of a quiet empty nest.
metscan: Each of our children, yours and mine, develops so differently! There is still ahead of me the separation of serious attachment. But there have been lots of not-so-serious ones to whom I became attached.
The Université du Québec (UQAM) residences are also apartment-style and are rented a lot to tourists during the festival season, but are not as close to where your son lives. They are easily accessible to his area via métro though.
The more "romantic" places I know where you might want to stay if with Duc are more in the Plateau area, as that is closer to me, but I'm good at finding things.
À la tienne, Étienne!
tiffany: high school is a big leap, a significant change in itself.
Madeline: Winging in and out is a good transition- not such an abrupt departure.
Maravonda: Got my hands on a newborn the other month and could hardly let her go. Guess that's why grandparents go nuts!
Absence has already started to embellish my thoughts about him....I'm sure we will miss him more that we think. Some of the time.
Le Duc