The vanishing point of perfumes you loved

Instead, I was "treated" to a shock. Apparently Clinique saw fit to slather on orange flower and peach "to add a creaminess" to this flanker, dumbing down the scent to an incoherent, sweet sludge.
The 'unlimited' (supposedly original) version was no better. Aromatics used to be that interesting girl in a brocade vest who sold silver earrings in a boutique for a little while, before heading back to Goa; now, she's at a backyard bar-be-que in the suburbs, with a blowout.
I began to research the current editions of perfumes I once coveted. The news is dire; nearly every beloved grande dame classic is a ghost of itself: Rive Gauche, Diorella, Fidji, Arpege, Allure; the idiosyncratic Caron scents like Vol de Nuit and Tabac Blonde. Givenchy's L'Interdit is now stale strawberry gum.
My longtime signature, Norell, has been demoted from Casablancan madam to pleasant bank teller.
Essentially, if you remember it from when you got carded in a bar, you don't want it anymore. Though even scents created in the '90s have been altered, those dating from the '60s or earlier have had more work done than a septagenarian movie star.
The outstanding perfume blog Now Smell This has contributed a post about the whys of this depressing practice; in summary, they give three reasons:
1. Profit (first, foremost and always denied as the reason by the house). As Luca Turin says, "The beancounters have triumphed over the noses."
2. Banning of products, namely oakmoss, and therefore, the effects of synthetic replacements, and
3. Pandering to the "new tastes", mostly an eye to expansion to customer bases unfamiliar with the heady, assertive scents of the previous century. (See #1.)
Hard-core devotées scour vintage dealers, but one person commented on Now Smell This, "Give up. Never revisit the old scents."
Like many women, I have two perfume wardrobes: one is the evening side of the drawer, those lush, red-curtain bottles with knockout sillage. In them, I feel glamourous, reckless, hopeful. I have even been obsessed with some. These are the close dancers, the perfumes, not "scents".
The other side is daytime (and not necessarily worn only then): light but not boring. They go anywhere, and once there, stay politely within your personal space. For some time, I have included at least one natural fragrance in this mix, in case the scent-adverse stray too close.
Given my low-key life, these are the bottles I go through quickly, even though Le Duc prefers the evening ones.
Looking for love
If I must abandon my old paramours, who is next?
For the past two years, I've ordered sample-sized decants from LuckyScent and IndieScents and dropped by perfume counters, with special attention to the niche players whom, I hope, have more integrity than the giants.
Too many of the decants dried down to frothy, indistinct blends for twenty-somethings. Even if the site's copy conjured a siren in a red silk slip, the sample took me to Dairy Queen.
Even so, I found standouts: for evening, Malle's "Parfum pour Térese" and Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier's "La Reine Margot"; for day, Hermès' "Un Jardin Sur le Nil" and Serge Lutens' "La Fille de Berlin".
For a spritz to keep in my gym locker, I bought a bottle of Sarah Jessica Parker's "Lovely"; it has short staying power, but it's pretty, not cloying, and as well-balanced as many frags four times the price.
I'm still searching for the must-always-have-a-bottle, flagrant love like I had for the originals of Lancome's "Magie Noir", and "Montana Parfum de Peau".
Have you noticed, few department stores hand out actual samples anymore? They spray a card and hand it to you, as if you are made of paper. The best you can get is a spray on the wrist, which nine times out of ten, settles into an insipid haze.
What's the top-selling fragrance of 2013? Justin Bieber Girlfriend.
Says it all, doesn't it?
Susan: Oh, I too get samples when I buy something, but do you remember when you used to get them just on their own?
Pseu--above--Most Sephoras have a selection of S Lutens perfumes. I brought back a few testers for my daughter. The names are so great.
Genuine perfumes seem to be difficult to find here, they mostly sell eau de toilette. Perhaps a problem of living in a smaller city.
I find it strange that the perfumers are messing with the classics. They may be shooting themselves in the foot.
Anon@8:56: Since both men and women have enjoyed applying scent since at least the second millenium BC, I doubt it's going to vanish. I wear an all-natural fragrance when I think I might encounter persons who respond as you do.
frugal: Even if reformulated, that does not mean the Fidji won't be a delightful treat.
LPC: I know By Kilian, a fine house. LuckyScent sell a 10-piece sampler!
Gretchen: We would get in serious trouble if we ever met! Thanks for the suggestions, intriguing. I have looked at Sonoma Scent Studio but never ordered.
Cornelia: Sales associates will never admit the reformulation even if you tell them an expert like Luca Turin has outed it.
Judith: L'Air du Temps is one of the most egregious examples of destruction. While I do think our nose can change, especially in its acuity, as we age, how exactly can "body chemistry" change an alcohol-based substance placed on the skin? Can anyone explain this to me?
HB: Yes, I was a chypre woman too! Thank for the recommendations, really appreciate them.
I too gravitate towards stronger, "older" perfumes.I had worn Samsara by Guerlain for 20+ years, and only recently changed. 212 by Carolina Herrera doesn't last worth anything, so I layer it with Atelier Cologne's Vanille Insense. Recently tried Versace Crystal Noir and am waiting for a bottle to arrive at my home (Most shopping is on line these days.)
I am going to bookmark this post so I may try some scents when I'm in stores. Thanks!
"As for all the scents reviewed here, this review is for the vintage Fidji, whose juice is a darker caramel than the current light-colored Fidji you can still get pretty much anywhere. I bought some new stuff a few years ago, and I didn't quite know why the magic wasn't still there. Now I know — the top notes and florals are there, but they're not as rich as the vintage: they smell watery and transparent. They're also not followed up by the warming basenotes in the original formula, which makes the reformulated Fidji seem one-dimensional and lacking the dreamy mood the multifaceted original creates. The reformulation also just smells cheaper than the original. This lack of evolution from green to floral to spicy/woody/warm in the reformulation is like a day on a beach without a sunset, namely — not good."
materfamiias: Thank you; like you I am wearing a lot of Hermès scents, especially Eau des merveilles and Jardin sur le Nil.
C. You have given me a new reason to check yard and jumble sales. I had given up on them for clothes as don't have much space anymore, but- aha!-fragrances. I'm salivating over your finds. And will order more Tauer decants; just received Le Maroc pour Elle. Am already wearing Eau des merveilles and am grateful for it's grown-up but supple attitude.
The Hermes Jardin en Mediterranee is lovely, it smells of fig to me.
I also like the Ginger perfume by Origins. Not expensive and delightful on, all the zippiness of gingerale.
Lastly, I read that Jo Malone is back to making perfumes. Very curious about those. And the NYT just had a review of a Dyptique solid perfume that sounded intriguing.
Do check out the top two I recommended, I'd be curious to hear what you think!
I have never gravitated toward vanilla fragrances, but Diptyque's Phylosokos (a fig) is one of my
most-worn daytime scents, as is L'Artisan Parfumeur's Premier Figuier.
Tried sample of Virgin Island Water, not worth the steep price as it, too, wore off so quickly. (Warning: I like to smell them lingering the next day!)
The one I want to check out is the Ginger. I'm always interested in an exceptional frag that does not cost the earth. Thanks!
I used to love wearing Diorissimo in damp weather, because it released its fragrance beautifully in the rain. One wet morning, waiting for a train with a group of raincoated business men, I noticed after a few minutes that they were all leaning at angles toward me. It seemed very odd until it struck me that they were literally following their noses toward that intoxicating scent of lilies of the valley in the mist!
Diorissimo, what a marvel it was. Ca.2008, Perfume Shrine spoke of 'impending restrictions implemented to the levels of hydroxycitronnelal (a lily of the valley aroma-chemical and the main constituent of Diorissimo's muguet bouquet.)'
Beth: Go to LuckyScents and put "Woods and spices" in the search box... and have fun!
Because you are on the move a lot, I thought of Diptyque's "Eau Duelle" in the solid perfume compace:
If at Ogilvy's drop by the Serge Lutens counter; Cuir Mauresque is gorgeous.
Summer day time - Prada Infusion d'Iris
Other months day time - Lacoste Pour Femme (I have had more strangers stop me in the street to ask what this perfume is than any other I have ever worn)
Evening - Elie Saab Le Parfum
Jane in London
I still love Shalimar, as my "evening" scent. But I was given a bottle of Jardin sur Nil probably two years ago; gifted perfumes (especially from a corporate client) are iffy at best, but I loved it, and recently bought another bottle. I also received, last year, Jour d'Hermes, and I quite like that as well. So apparently I like the Hermes perfumes.
---Jill Ann
I don't think the Ford smells much like vanilla, so if you find yourself somewhere that sells it, worth sniffing.
I'll have to try the fig scents you mention.
Currently, I'm contemplating going old school and buying some Kolnischer Wasser, the 2711 cologn.
Also see MCS America for further edification.
Scents are now being made (more all the time) that do not contain the chemicals that concern you, by makers such as Aura, Living Libations, Sarabecca, White Note Apothecary, and the truly wonderful A Perfume Organic.
Could it be we could enjoy our scent and meet your needs, too?
Should you wish to apply scent to your skin, have you thought of wearing essential oils (the authentic, non-synthetic kind) mixed with a gentle carrier oil (almond is a nice light one)?
It's not only perfume - yesterday I saw some old-style cans of the hair spray I use. I sent an inquiry to be sure these were indeed the old formulation, and the store confirmed that the new formulation is different. Fortunately, they are shipping the old style sprays they have in stock. After that supply runs out, I'll have to find another brand, and I've used the same one for over 25 years.
Once, in NYC, when I paid the fare, the cabbie said, "Lady, what is that perfume?" (Fracas.) Then he said,"Don't wear it if you don't want to drive us crazy" and put the money back in my hand.
My husband's Perfum is "Pour un Homme" by Caron which smells the same since decades, and it seems, they don't change men's fragrances as often as those for us women.
I now love the collection of "Parfums de Rosine" whose Rose d'Ete is my currently favorite.
They even make an extraordinary Rose d'Homme which is absolut gourgeous on my hb.
Although living in a big city, I have to order online.
For those of your readers who travel to Paris, Rosine has two Shops and I highly recommend a visit.
20 years ago The Body Shop, carried and then discontinued a fragrance called simply Chypre. I loved it an still miss it terribly.
tess: I would like to know that too. See this post:
I know Bandit (Piguet);IMO outstanding but you might order a sample (get the eau de parfum or parfum) to see how it works for you, for example:
There are two issues: whether someone enjoys •smelling• fragrance, and the health effects of chemicals in the air.
Wearing natural scents should alleviate the latter; re the former, scent is properly worn so that only those within intimate personal space (12 inches or so) can smell it. Heavy scents are not usually worn for day; your boss was overdoing it and I am wondering why you or no one else made a request for her to reduce the intensity, or stop wearing it. I doubt she would knowingly wish to induce you to vomit.
There is certainly an intrusive effect when a man or woman overloads fragrance.
I support the request to wear unscented products in contained public spaces, though I prefer to use naturally-scented products.
I'm disturbed by the unilateral "all scent is bad" dictum, as I have noticed the same people who ask me not to wear scent clap a cell phone to their ears for hours, and drink from plastic bottles.
Since inheriting a heap of perfume after my mum died, I am trying to wear it more on a daily basis.
And regarding the comments about not wearing scents at rule is to put only enough so that only someone in very close proximity to me can get just a whiff. If I'm going to be in a place where a person is stuck next to me for a period of time (flight, concert, etc.), I don't wear anything, even a scented lotion. What I love just might be what makes another person want to gag...and vice versa.
Like you, I don't wear fragrance on a plane flight. If around people and don't know their preferences I wear nothing or this marvelous 100% natural, eco-certified one:
There is a middle ground, where I hope both scent-lovers and the scent-adverse can meet. The rise of natural perfumery suggests a great deal of the solution.
I live near the Perfume House here in Portland - it has some amazing perfumes. I haven't found my signature scent yet but your post reminds me how much fun fragrances can be.
Perfume House link-
This is OT but I recently had an earnest young sales associate in a cosmetics store tell me that if I liked one scent (no discontinued) I should look at other ones of the same colour, as they would smell similar.