Women politicians, coated with scorn

The Australian press pitched a fit about the new PM's ikat-print coat.
Gillard seems to have a figure like Cherie Blair's: average-width shoulders atop a generous bust. Fitting that is a challenge. But the advice to tone down the pattern, spend more on clothes and (not necessarily from Imogen) dress more "appropriately" reminds me of how much hostility women in politics draw–and the subtext of running these "advice" features.
Hillary: More coat criticism
US Secretary of

Not so many bouquets when

But (presumably before receiving this advice) she chose black for a Press Gallery Ball. Julia Gillard, 50 this fall, looked ravishing.
Isn't the observation (made for any women in anything but corporate drag) that "her appearance detracts from her message" true for any of us seen by another? But give her a break, she wasn't dressed like Lady Gaga.
Just ending her first week in office, Australia's first female PM may not have anticipated what an easy target her jacket would be. Gillard's spokesman said, "We'll let others comment about whether or not they like her choices."
Or, excuse me, somebody has a country to run.
Can image consultants help women in the public eye?
Absolutely, just as they can assist any woman coping with a changing body, little time to select a wardrobe and a tight budget. Imogen is forthright, generous with her advice and her before-and-after shots attest to her talent. If elected, I'd hire her in a second, clothing allowance or not.

Sniping at a woman's clothes or body is an obvious and cheap way of undermining her power. Politics has been called "show business for ugly people" but women are expected to serve while looking only and entirely chic.
And even pure corporate drag doesn't necessarily work for women. How many times did people make snarky comments about Hillary Clinton's pantsuits?
I actually like both of the Hillary examples that Pseu posted. They were appropriate to each occasion and better than the pastel pantsuits she wore while campaigning.
Yes, there is a sexist element to comments on how women leaders dress, but I don't think all of it is meant to be sexist. Face it, women in leadership roles are relatively new in government and business, so there's less of an accepted uniform than there is for men.
While I have to agree with Imogen's comments about the style (mistakes) of the new Austrailian Prime Minister, I wish she could have sent her a private message, not gone public with her critique.
Still the sexism is obvious in that the younger and the more attractive the female politician, the more her mode of dress is commented on. No one ever comments on Angela Merkel's outfits.
Pseu: I don't think sexism is dead, it's not even on life support. I recently asked a man how far women could get in banking in his country. "Quite far enough", he replied.
nanflan: Guess it depends on what you define as "new" but in the US women have served in Congress since 1971 and in the Senate since 1781 (but in number since 1922). whether one likes her coat or not, I wonder if a male PM would be ridiculed for his jacket.
Northmoon: I think this type of criticism is sometimes sexist and may be driven by dislike for party- so any attempt is made to disparge its representative. I read some vicious comments about Michelle Obama's clothes and body that made no sense to me till I read further comments on that blog about the author's political affiliation.
I think Hilary looks very appropriate...the Queen dresses in a manner fittting the culture when visiting foreign countries.
I think Hilary looks very appropriate...the Queen dresses in a manner fittting the culture when visiting foreign countries.
There had been far more misogyinistic criticisms of PM Gillard than her dress sense - some have actually ventured to ask if she could understand "Australia's families" as she was "barren" (childless or childfree - would like to find a neutral term). Women here - with a similar parliamentary system - were deeply shocked.
I read German, and Merkel gets a lot of flack. Actually she is a person who knows she is absolutely uninterested in fashion (like many scientists, male and female, though there are some geek-exceptions who peruse these blogs). She is intelligent enough to listen to her image consultants.
A woman as conventionally pretty as Ségolène Royal got it too, and of course her rival Martine Aubry gets it in the neck for being a slightly-plump, middle-aged Française moyenne.
Here opposition leader Pauline Marois comes under fire for looking like "une dame bourgeoise".
I can't comment on Imogen's blog any more (must see how I can get a second Google ID - I do have a google account but it is in my real name, for business) but here many men wear black suits as well. It is much colder here, and we have a lot of French cultural influence - our clothing style lies somewhere between francophone Europe and (English-speaking) Northeastern North America.
I don't seen how a black suit can be ageing as it is usually worn with a white or other lighter or brighter-coloured shirt or blouse, and women can wear a beautiful scarf - men can wear a beautiful tie too, but it is less visible. And do we necessarily want teenagers leading our governments?
Oh, and sexism, of course.
There are many less horrific examples, in our "own" western societies. Speaking out against sexism doesn't mean hating men.
The "barren" comment had me gobsmacked. Google gillard barren for lots more.
M: The writer signed the piece and the consultants are named, or am I taking "who they are" too literally? Sexism (discrimination based on gender) can apply to both sexes.
LaurieAnn: Sometimes I wish all elected officials wore uniforms, as airline pilots or some health care professionals do. Just remove the issue.
Toby: I agree, and admit I read every single word about Pelosi's pearls. So I am a hypocrite!
Main Entry: sex·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsek-ˌsi-zəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: 1sex + -ism (as in racism)
Date: 1968
1 : prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women
2 : behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex
— sex·ist \ˈsek-sist\ adjective or noun
M, I've found that women can certainly hold sexist attitudes.
These women are of all ages, and have a wide range of styles -- and I can't remember a single occasion when what they were wearing was commented on.
People were surprised at Carme Chacon, minister of defense, being 7 mos. pregnant when appointed, but with Spain's 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, they were largely concerned about how quickly she'd get back to work.
Consult Google Images for Carme Chacon, Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, Dolores de Cospedal, and Esperanza Aguirre -- it's an interesting panorama!
When women discriminate against other women based on their gender, it is sexism. Ridiculing someone is not necessarily sexist, just mean-spiritied- but when the ridicule is based on gender, it's sexist.
metscan: And she is the second one in this decades, isn't she?
rubiatonta: That was fun! What impressed me was how young two of the women re and I was impressed that they hold these positions. 16 weeks is a short leave here, where women are given unemployment benefits for a year after birth.
I have friends who went back to jobs after two or three years, but it's hard to imagine how it would work after six!
Rubiatonta, viewed from abroad, the current Spanish government seems to have put a great emphasis on the fight against violence against women in the family and elsewhere, and on women's place in society. But I also understand the perverse nature of some seemingly positive measures for women, as in Italy for a long time the pensionable age for women was 50. For women in academic and professional circles, this could be another version of the glass ceiling. More compassionate compensation for workers who are injured or exhausted, of either sex, might well be a fairer and better solution.
Though perhaps we are straying too far from the original topic. How women have to dress and present themselves is such a minefield.
The current governor of my state (Bill Richardson), received quite a bit of press when he grew a beard after withdrawing from the Democratic Primary. The previous governor always got press for his Levi's.
And no politician, male or female, should ever wear a flight suit (W and Dukakis).
Is this a good thing? Not really. But women aren't the only politicians who receive attention for appearance.
I get your point about women serving in Congress since the 1970s but it's only recently that women have been considered serious contenders for leadership positions such as President and Speaker of the House. That's a huge leap in authority.