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When "stylists" are not, and exceptions

Over the summer, I broke my media fast for a few weeks, and dipped into a specific niche on social media: the influencer/stylist. It was, as my original stylist, Mom, would say, "a riot." In a rash of click-promiscuity, I looked at anyone my algorithm delivered. I will not name them, but you couldn't swing a cat without hitting some woman posing on her deck in her idea of what looks good on her (and therefore, she insists, on everyone.)  My binge lasted long enough for me to reach three conclusions: I cannot spend another moment of my limited lifespan on this; dozens of soi-disant stylists' reels have not sparked interest in one trendy thing; and, at least 80% of the suggestions affect the stylist's compensation—in other words, they are shills. Exceptions Photo: theplatinumage on Instagram Except, theplatinumage ! Hop on that and admire makeovers (or more realistically, makeunders) of mature Japanese men and women who looked just fine before but with that slight t

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